Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Trust your instincts

Sometimes your gut reaction is bang on.  I've been working with a new consultant on a work project.  Until today we have just been working by phone and email but today she came to town to work with me for the day.  Since we are all friends here, I'll just say it....I've found her to be a pain in the arse since the beginning.    Today and tomorrow we are working together with another member of senior management.  The morning started with her indicating a few documents were missing.  I knew I had sent them to her but she insisted that her team and searching though everything and they never got them.  I was annoyed but printed out the missing docs and we proceeded.  Then there was a snide comment that if we have to "do this all day" we won't finish.  I bit my tongue but it bugged me all day.  So after I got home I went trolling through  old emails to see who was right.  Yes I'm THAT kind of girl.  I'll admit it of I'm wrong but if falsely accused I'll go to the mat to redeem myself.   FOUND IT.  Not only was it one of the first documents I sent her in early February but I also resent it (at her request) in March.  Grrrrrr.  So I forwarded those emails to my other coworker just so he would know I wasn't totally incompetent.   So my instinct about her was re-confirmed mid afternoon.  I went to pick up a mid afternoon snack for us as we had basically worked through the day with no breaks.  I bought cinnamon buns to test my theory.  You see, there are 2 ways to eat a cinnamon bun BUT only one way is correct........... First I will show you the "proper" way to eat a cinnamon roll bun.  
You start at the outside edge and unwind it until you get to the yummy middle which follows the rule of "save the best bite for last".   Some people do it the other way (aka the wrong way) and just pick it up and bite into it..........Gasp - the horror!
It's even hard for me to look at this picture   It's just wrong on so many levels.  It's so........savage.  Lol So.........guess which way little Miss Pain In The Arse ate her cinnamon bun?
P.S.  I swear once life gets less busy I will actually post about rug hooking.    


  1. I hope the PIA doesn't give you too much grief!!!
    Hugs :)
    And thanks for the laughs :)

  2. LOL Just so you know...I unwind and save the yummy center for last!! There are people in the world that are just plain trouble...nothing you can do to change them, just avoid them as much as possible. LOL

  3. I'm "that kind" too. But I would have printed out the emails and presented them to her the next day with a copy for each member of her "team". Yes I would!

  4. Of course I eat my cinnamon roll the correct way! :)

    You are nicer than me - I would have forwarded the two previous emails to her just to prove a point.

    By the way, my fairly new microwave is not working. Can you come over and fix it?

  5. She gets a plain donut tomorrow...in part because I want to know what she does to mess that up!

  6. Oh my gosh!!! I always eat my way to the center and love it when I get there for that last yummy bite. Now I am going to have to make some and see how people eat them.
    She does sound well you know terrible to work with. It must be the time of year. Ron keeps coming home telling me stories of these micro-managers that are inept. I can't wait to hear about more. I love your test.

  7. Yikes it is going to be a long week with her! I have to say I do both ways depends on if I have time to unwind or bite and go. Good luck with the PIA

  8. Oh my, long week indeed.... Bite and go, yum,Blessings Francine.

  9. I feel for you. Working with someone who is a poor representation of our sex in the working place sets us all back. This too shall pass . Hugs cheri

  10. Ditto what Michelle said. But then the PIA would have been really gunning for you and made your life even more hellish. As for a cinnamon bun.... haven't had one in years. But if one should show up on my kitchen counter I'd probably stuff the entire thing in my mouth for being deprived all the years.

  11. what a barbarian...just biting into a cinnamon roll is exceptionally uncouth...I'm with Marly...give a copy to everyone and suffer her wrath the rest of the week...hugs
